LĪpoa Community News
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More than 1,300 scientists, data analysts and space situational awareness experts gathered at the Marriott’s Wailea Beach Resort for the recent AMOS Conference, where LĪPOA representatives talked story with attendees from across the world at our exhibit booth....

UPDATE: OCTOBER 1, 2024 LĪPOA PARKWAY’s new makai-bound traffic lanes are open and in use. Hawaiian Electric has installed streetlights along Lipoa Parkway and a speed table will also be installed at the Maui Nui Golf Club’s golf cart crossing for safe golf cart and...

Lipoa Neighborhood Welcomes Summer at Second PAU HANA at LIPOA
Līpoa Neighborhood Welcomes Summer at Second PAU HANA at LĪPOA The MEDB Courtyard was filled with more than 70 guests for the second PAU HANA at LĪPOA on June 12th. The pau hana events are held to meet your neighbors and learn about the exciting new developments...

Applied Research Laboratory
In today’s digital era, high-performance computing isn’t just a tool—it’s the cornerstone of progress, innovation, and security. From aiding in critical decisions to defending against cyber threats, its role is vital to help formulate effective strategies to navigate...

Networking event with Pacific Disaster Center speaker to take place Feb 22
An in-person networking event presented by Maui TechOhana featuring a guest speaker from Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) will take place on Feb. 22, starting at 5:15 p.m. The guest speaker, Dr. Erin Hughey, will discuss her career in global disaster management...